Effective Advocacy
Effective advocacy is local
This week has been a week like no other. A series of Presidential Executive Orders have been signed that, if implemented, will have a significant negative impact on our city, state and the lives of all New Yorkers. From initiating the repeal of the Aff …
CCC Heads to Albany!
Today, 34 CCC staff, adult volunteers and youth volunteers traveled to Albany to urge the Legislature to adopt a State Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget that will make New York State a better place to be a child. Given that we are a multi-issue, independent …
Youth Voice in Public Policy: A Rising Tide
As staunch advocates for the rights of children, we at CCC believe it is important that young people have a voice in shaping the public policies that affect their lives. Through our YouthAction NYC program, we have been training high school students to …
LEADERSHIP starts with YOU
For over fifty years, concerned citizens just like you have taken our Community Leadership Course. They have had the unique opportunity to observe how programs across NYC’s five boroughs benefit children and discovered how they can contribute in making …
National Volunteer Week: A Letter from Our Community Leadership Course Co-Chairs!
As volunteer co-chairs of CCC’s Community Leadership Course (CLC), we have the pleasure and privilege of welcoming each new participant into the program and coordinating with CCC’s staff to help ensure its success. The course, which was introduced in 1 …
Community Leadership Course Fuels Growing Base of Advocates
“I think this is a wonderful course to take, especially for people my age who are interested in engaging with their community in a meaningful way. I hope that you are able to get more young professionals involved, whether through philanthropy or throug …