City Budget
CCC’s New York City Budget Recommendations for City Fiscal Year 2019
CCC responded to the New York City Fiscal Year Executive Budget proposals with Budget Recommendations for the Mayor and the City Council. These budget recommendations focus on going further to make New York City a better place to be a child. CCC once …
Statement on the City Fiscal Year 2019 Executive Budget
For Immediate Release: April 27, 2018 Contact: Elysia Murphy, (212) 673-1800 x18 The Campaign for Children is extremely disappointed that the City Fiscal Year 2019 Executive Budget failed to make new investments to increase child …
CCC’s New York City Fiscal Year 2019 Executive Budget Summary
On April 26, 2018, Mayor de Blasio released his Executive Budget proposals for Fiscal Year 2019. The $89.06 billion budget included a number of new investments aimed at making New York City a more fair and equitable City for all who live in the five b …
Every student deserves an after-school and summer program
CCC and the Campaign for Children have released the second PSA in our “In Their Own Voices” series. The new video, Every NYC Student Deserves an After-school and Summer Program, highlights the importance of summer and after-school programs in the lives …
CCC Testimony: New York City Council General Welfare And Juvenile Justice Committees Regarding The City Fiscal Year 2019 Preliminary Budget
CCC testified before the New York City Council Committees on General Welfare and Juvenile Justice on March 27, 2018 regarding the Fiscal Year 2019 Preliminary Budget for the Human Resources Administration (HRA), Department of Homeless Services (DHS) an …
CCC Testimony: New York City Fiscal Year 2019 Preliminary Budget Hearing-Education
CCC testified before the New York City Council Committee on Education at a hearing on March 23, 2018 regarding the Fiscal Year 2019 Preliminary Budget. CCC supported Preliminary Budget proposals aimed at reducing bullying in schools and expanding 3K fo …