July 31, 2019 Mapping Community Assets on Keeping Track Online to Examine Child Welfare NeedsCCC’s Keeping Track Online data resource continues to be the go-to source for understanding the needs and opportunities to improve child and family well-being across the 59 community districts. This includes the dozens of nonprofit organizations throughout the city currently responding to the Administration for Children’s Services'(ACS) request for proposals (due in mid-August) to administer preventive services to promote child safety, family permanency, and well-being for children and their families in their homes and communities.
CCC has been collecting and analyzing data on the well-being of New York City’s children for over 20 years. Child-serving professionals, advocates, foundations, and government leaders have come to rely on the Keeping Track of New York City’s Children database to shine a light on the conditions in which children live and to examine changes in risk level across communities over time. Using KTO’s Map Community Resources featureOn Keeping Track Online, these data are enhanced with mapping tools that allow users to identify where risks to child well-being concentrate across six domains: economic security, housing, health, education, youth, and family and community. The below image shows public housing and homeless shelters over the economic security risk ranking
The “Map Community Resources” tool also allows users to map services, supports and infrastructure that exist in a community, such as schools, medical facilities, banks, food retail, child care programs, housing support services, and more. This information is required of child and family services organizations to fulfill the asset mapping requirement of ACS’ Services Preventive Services RFP. The KTO Asset Mapping tool also allows you to overlay these community resources on top of CCC’s Community Risk Ranking to examine whether services exist in communities where they may be most critical to improving child well-being in a community. Information about these community resources can be downloaded into Excel spreadsheets for individuals looking to further analyze and map these resources, and all maps available on Keeping Track Online, including for the hundreds of indicators in the “Explore Data” tool, can be downloaded as image files for inclusion in proposals. Watch this brief tutorial on how to use Keeping Track Online:
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